Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Formative Presentation

We presented to the tutors using basic boards showing the story of use in Week 9. We recieved helpful feedback being that we need to consider a greater level of tangibility between the user and the object on both ends. Also Yasu was concerned about the flucuation of heart rate between individuals and suggested a pedometer may be more effective. We did however come up with a solution to the fluctuation of heart rate being that the device measures the percentage increase from resting heart rate rather than just the heart rate itself which may provide misleading data. We could focus on the competitive side of the device more for user interaction by challenging a particular competitor. The user could alternatively set a percentage increase goal and see if they reach it.

These are the boards which Lisa designed for this presentation to show the scenario of use;

The tutors acknowledged that with the presence of water, the technology would be very difficult to get working. They suggested mounting the fish on string and they could raise or lower, or on a track etc. We still have a long way to go in finalising our solution and coming up with a prototype but I'm positive we will get there.

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